Womabalana is closed during the following hours.
You may access the space outside of these times.
10.00 AM -> 2.00pm
During the school term
Please note:
The garden must be closed due to the Child Safe Policy.
The Childcare access the garden during these hours.
(Acknowledgments: Diprotodont design and concept by Stephen Mushin. Landcaping concept by RB Landscapes)
The diprotodon was a giant wombat, the size of a van!
Within the Wombalana Wild Garden we have our very own diprotodon, designed and created by Stephen Mushin.
You can climb up this giant wombat, during the open hours of the garden.
If you walk up the stairs from Selby House or down the bushy paths from the local carparks, you’ll go on a journey tens of thousands of years back in time.
Wombalana is a wild garden of giant rocks, huge logs and spiky plants – and an enormous megafauna, the Diprotodon.
In Wombalana, our nature play space gives kids the chance to get lost in the wonder of nature, with dry creek beds, mazes, a mud kitchen, tunnels, mounds and natural treehouses. Kids are encouraged to run, jump, play, learn, and discover the wild side of life.
The Wombalana Wild Garden launch.
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate the Launch of the Wombalana Wild Garden. We were overwhelmed with the 500+ who attended. Thank you to Yarra Ranges Council and First National Real Estate for the festival support.
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